Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Extortion Is Against the Law, Speaker Boner

I speak a little German, amongst other things - enough to know that John Boehner (his pronunciation Bay-ner) should really pronounce his surname as Boner. So I say "Boner;" I also say "to-mah-to," but then, I was born and raised in Virginia and live in the UK.

Anyway, it seems as though Mr Boner has learned nothing from the debt ceiling debacle of last August - except that in his own formaldehydrated brain, he and his party won and all the difficulty was the fault of the President. He's back on the same old same old message he pushed last year regarding the debt ceiling, which is due - yes - to be raised at the end of this current year:-

Did you hear that? Boner is still strutting his stuff from last summer like a dyed-in-the-orange-wool bantam rooster, crowing that we shouldn't fear the debt ceiling, that it had become a singular piece of action in a town infamous for inaction - infamous for inaction because he and his ilk took a solemn pledge at the altar of Frank Luntz to stymie and stifle every piece of legislation the President proposed, wanting and willing him to fail.

He is still saying that any increase in the debt ceiling must be met with an equal decrease in spending. Austerity by any other name.

Austerity reigns in Europe at the moment, to no one's avail. The French revolted (again) and threw out Saint Sarko, and on Sunday in the German local elections, the Deutschers hammered the current reincarnation of the Iron Lady. All eyes are on Greece, in a lose-lose situation. If Greece defaults, the cack hits the fan economically here. If Greece leaves the Eurozone (and the European Union), an equal amount of fiscal fecal matter will fly skyward, eventually landing in the US.

At the moment, the Republicans hold the house, where all fiscal legislation must begin. Boner isn't just holding the country, the President and the Democrats to ransom this time, this is bloody extortion - and even if the Democrats win back the House, the Tea Party-controlled majority will wag the dog big time in a lame duck surprise just in time for Christmas.

I'm just a pleb, but the last time I looked, extortion was against the law. Maybe it's time Boner's constituents thought about sending him back to the family bar. For good.

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