Thursday, July 12, 2012

Remember the Title of the Book Romney Wrote?

I do.

It's No Apology.

Well, there's such a thing as karma, and it hurts Politico to admit it.

Mitt Romney's campaign manager called Thursday for President Obama to apologize for his campaign staff's "out of control behavior," but the Obama campaign says there's no apology coming.
"No," Obama press secretary Ben LaBolt said in response to a question from POLITICO about whether the president would apologize.
"Romney has said he had no authority or responsibility for managing Bain since February 1999, but that has been proven false," LaBolt continued. "He remained CEO, President, Chairman, sole owner and sole shareholder through 2001. Governor Romney either misled the American people about when he left Bain or misled the SEC. Which one is it? The Romney campaign still won’t say.”
Matt Rhoades, who leads the Romney campaign, said in a statement earlier Thursday that“President Obama ought to apologize for the out-of-control behavior of his staff, which demeans the office he holds."
In a conference call with reporters, deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter suggested that Romney had either lied to the American people about his work experience at Bain Capital or had committed a felony. Rhoades responded: "Campaigns are supposed to be hard fought, but statements like those made by Stephanie Cutter belittle the process and the candidate on whose behalf she works." 
LaBolt also offered a statement from Obama campaign general counsel Bob Bauer, who said that the conflict of the assertions made by the Romney campaign, Bain and the candidate with filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission would typically lead to suspicions. "Under normal circumstances, the question of the truth of this representation would result in an investigation by the SEC into possible criminal, as well as civil, violations of the law," Bauer said.

There's another song the Democrats could use for this situation ... sung by an immigrant, no less ... take it away, John, for Mitt ...


(Special shout out to dvnix for tweeting me this!)

1 comment:

  1. The thing is, Romney doesn't feel the need to ever apologize. He ran one of the dirtiest GOP campaigns in American history against his opponents. He should be apologizing to us for lying about PBO and his record at Bain. He's hanging out in NH this weekend because he doesn't know what his next step will be. The president's plan is to keep hammering him on his Bain lies. He opened the door wide when he decided to use his executive experience at Bain as the jewel in his campaign. Romney's always been used to not having anything he says challenged. I don't even think Ann challenges him about anything he says. She likes the wealth and status, and with him being away quite a bit, she can do whatever pleases her. Romney's in the big leagues now, and the whining won't cut it.
