Friday, September 16, 2011

Listen and Learn

Way out in Ventura County, California, there's a Democratc party operative, who does more harm than good to the brand.

Sure, he works very hard, and I'm certain he's raised a lot of money for the cause (if that California Girl grifter in the Democratic administration out there hasn't made off with it); but he spends most of his time, as all good EmoProgs do, whining and dining on sushi and Whole Foods designer fare, and criticizing the President. Criticizing him endlessly.

The lad says he's been working "long-term" to bring the message of the Democrats to the people, yet he admits that he doesn't talk to the people, unless they are activists or party operatives. (Scratches head) ... Sorry, but that sounds almost communistic to me.

Anyway, his unfortunate attitude is annoying and needs improving, as does his historical knowledge. "Long-term" is not since Howard Dean and John Kerry.

I'm about to give him a history lesson in a subsequent blog, because he and his ilk are about to make history repeat itself, 1980-style - except the GOP contender ain't gonna be Ronald Reagan, but Bush-on-Steroids, himself, Rick Perry (who, incidentally, was a paid-up member of the Democratic party in 1980).

So as a prelude to my history lesson, I want to introduce our lad to a man whom I think was one of the most effective and forward-thinking Presidents of his time, Jimmy Carter. And, yes, Sunshine, he was a Southerner, like you, except you share your Southern heritage with Governor Perry.

And please don't shrug your shoulders and subscribe to the Megan McCain school of historical analysis: "I wasn't born then, so why should I know?"

Because it's not all about you.

Jimmy Carter's Interview with Rachel Maddow

At least someone has confidence in our current President.

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